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Check Out Our Blog

Selling a Car Whole vs Selling for Parts

‌‌I don’t know why you might have a junk car sitting on your driveway or in your garage. How old or broken things get places isn’t something we can cover in a quick blog. Maybe, like us, you bought a place with some land and your kids discovered an abandoned tractor behind some trees. It’s kind of weird and I have zero idea on the story behind it being left where it is, but it actually looks pretty cool, especially when it snows, and I’m learning to think of it as ‘Land Sculpture’ - it just sounds so much better than ‘Abandoned Junk in the Yard.’

Most Common Car Issues

‌Routine maintenance is a perfect option to ensure the longevity of your car, SUV, or truck, however, different vehicles have problems common to them; to heighten your awareness about them, and we have grafted them into a list below.

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